The asset balance sheet to estimate your tax savings: explanations

 The asset balance sheet to estimate your tax savings: explanations We can quickly build up a heritage, sometimes without even really being aware of it and doing it voluntarily. The main house, an apartment for the children’s studies, various savings placed in the bank, or in shares, all this is not so exceptional. Taking stock … Read more

How much does a tax consultant cost? What mode of remuneration?

 How much does a tax consultant cost? What mode of remuneration? The tax adviser accompanies individuals, from all professional backgrounds, who have accumulated assets of various origins and existing in different forms. It will give them the means to optimize it, to pay less tax, but also to direct investments according to their needs and … Read more

The wealth management advisor: what is his role and his missions?

 The wealth management advisor: what is his role and his missions? The wealth management advisor is a professional expert in the valuation of the financial and real estate assets of his clients. Impartial, its mission is to advise them in order to optimize and grow their capital and/or their assets, according to their objectives. To … Read more